Sales Candidate Assessments

Our SALES CANDIDATE ASSESSMENT provides sales leaders with predictive recommendations based on sales-specific competencies about whether a sales candidate will succeed in a selling role.

What makes the OMG candidate assessment unique?


As a role-specific Assessment, OMG is more predictive than behavioral or personality assessments. OMG is highly predictive at recommending candidates who will rise to the top half of the sales team within 12 months, as well as identifying candidates who are highly unlikely to perform to expectations in a specific sales role.

OMG helps sales organizations assess candidates on 21 Sales-specific competencies, organized into Will to Sell, Sales DNA, and Tactical Selling.
OMG offers Assessments that are designed for sales reps, sales management, and sales leadership. Users can configure our assessments for inside roles, territory and vertical-based sales, account management, channel sales, national accounts, major accounts, hunting roles, farming roles and telesales.
Each Assessment indicates which candidates are Recommended or Not Recommended based on the specific skills necessary for the role.
Hiring managers can further customize an assessment to identify candidates who share competencies with their team’s top performers.

Sales Candidate Assessment

Download a sample of OMG’s Sales Candidate Assessment.